Warning, incredibly entitled sounding post following:
Have any of you seen any exciting app releases of late. Everything seems to have lulled and it’s probably just the time of the year, but I thought I’d ask.
I’ve been looking forward to a number of things.
Bitwarden just don’t really give a shit about their apps. Hence just ignoring issues with host matching and ignoring issues posted on their tracker.
Firefox hasn’t had anything since the menu redesign and since then, it feels like there’s nothing happening. Which is crazy because they should be all in on tab groups, which is obviously a flagship feature. That’s probably down to them moving back to Bugzilla and so it’s harder to follow.
Niagara Launcher is all in on their health thing and so things like updating their icon packs isn’t happening, so it feels like nothing is happening there moreso than actually being the case.
Sync for Lemmy. The less said about this the better. Star_Wars_You_Were_The_Chosen_One.gif we’ve had some major API changes and no updates to Sync.
Thunderbird is doing a whole lot of nothing since rebranding from K9email and even the rebranding feels kinda half assed with them not updating brandable assets. And where is Thunderbird Sync?
I get that it’s so soon after Christmas and so teams have to come back and then coordinate, so we shouldn’t expect much from Q1, but at the same time, I can’t speak for everyone, but I’m personally like Christmas is outta the way, now let me get excited about something and there’s not much happening.
So anything that you’re waiting on? Or anything that’s been released that’s been exciting and has gone under my radar?
I recently discovered Kvaesitso and it is very cool https://kvaesitso.mm20.de/
Hmm, Home Assistant and ESPhome are evolving constantly and I’d like to try building my own smart speaker (Alexa) with the recent advancements… PieFed is making lots of progress lately. I’m ocassionally messing with local AI and these projects sometimes make big advancements over night. But yeah, other projects sometimes don’t, while I’d like them to implement a few more useful (to me) features.
ESPHome is the gift that keeps giving. When you get around to building your smart speaker, please detail it with regular posts so we can live vicariously through you.
Sure. This might still take a while, though. There have been quite some activity with the audio stuff lately. And fundamental changes. And they released some development board to tinker with voice assistants. I’ll probably need to scrap my configs and start over. But last time I tried, it was almost usable. And it’s a lot of fun to play around with microcontrollers.
I just extended my Bitwarden subscription, but I plan to look into alternatives, like that one:
https://www.aliasvault.net/Interesting, thanks for sharing
Bitwarden overall is great project. But the lack of oversight on the clients is baffling. Why hire a team that has no interest in open source?
I’ve seen alias pop up a few times of late, I’ll continue to keep an eye open.
That’s pretty much how I feel as well regarding Bitwarden.
Really like(ed?) it, but they made some worrying moves - but as far as I remember they stepped back from some thingsI can’t really say anything about Alias Vault at the moment, but it seems to be a potential alternative.
At least I plan to set it up on my server to try it out - as soon as I’m having some time to breath…At least I plan to set it up on my server to try it out - as soon as I’m having some time to breath…
The install script is wonderbar and I installed it here at work, from my phone 🙈
I know I know, I really shouldn’t go curl’ing > random bash scripts from the internet but it is some damn fine script if you read through it
I look forward to playing with it when I get home, and thanks for the heads up!
The ahem would Thunderbird Sync do, LOL.
Synchronise my credentials across devices.
Hold your horses. You want someone to build a service where you’d register, with a new separate set of credentials, so that you’d synchronize your email password between devices?
Well, I have to admit that this idea of having a password synchronize yourself another password becomes much more practical if you tweak it just a little bit and manage all your passwords with just one. In fact, Mozilla has one. It’s called Firefox Sync. I’d still recommend to use a real password manager like pass and either git or syncthing for synchronizing the underlying data.
I’m already have bitwarden. It’s Monday morning, surely you have better things to do?
Than asking for a password for a password? Yes. Than yesterday? Hardly.
For me, Sync is still working well enough. I periodically dip into other apps, but Sync is still my go to.
I’m guessing that jdlawson won’t be able to recover his costs on Sync for much longer. I’m hoping he open sources it.
For anyone else wondering, he’s talking about Sync for Lemmy.
I thought Bitwarden was focused on migrating to native mobile apps. Haven’t followed closely since the beta started rolling out, but perhaps some of the quality of life issues will be taken care of with that process over?
I doubt it, but fingers crossed.