Hey there I am new in this community I was wondering if any of you gentleman know any website for downloading Linux programs such as Autodesk Maya Thanks.
Hey there I am new in this community I was wondering if any of you gentleman know any website for downloading Linux programs such as Autodesk Maya Thanks.
I am going to be completely frank here. It is horrible. I am speaking from the standpoint of someone that uses CAD/CAM professionally. I have tried to get a lot of software running in WINE etc. to mostly small margins of success.
If someone needs Autodesk stuff and they don’t want it to crash constantly, they’re going to need to run a VM at least, and a Windows install is just going to work better.
I run Windows on a machine that is attached to no network because I have to for work. All of the FOSS CAD tools are crashy garbage if you need functionality beyond simple stuff like 3D printing.
It just isn’t there. OP, if you read this, please take my professional advice and either dual boot or run a Windows VM.
Onshape is an okay option for Linux (I’ve been able to do everything I used to to in Inventory), although I hate that it’s cloud based. I know that a rug pull is inevitable, but I figure I’ll stick with it until then.
I’d have to say that for someone looking for AutoDesk level tools, OnShape just is not gonna cut it. It’s fine for hobbyist stuff, but is far from great.