and why?
why would you want to be immortal? everything ends eventually, so why would you want to be the only one forced to stay?
Elite Dangerous. Ultimate sandbox. If by living within the game I could have all the little extras that the developers never put in, I’d be set, and take off exploring.
So, I’d need more details. How exactly would my consciousness exist within the game? Would the game be subject to be modded or updated in the future? Like, Skyrim with mods is a good option, but World of Warcraft or Final Fantasy 14 would allow me to continue being social with real humans, but those latter games are very subject to future change.
Back on the 1st question, there’s a significant difference if my consciousness occupies a random NPC or I become the equivalent of a player character. Also important: what would happen to me if the game crashed or the computer/servers went down for whatever reason?
WoW. Plenty to keep me occupied.
Echochrome. Such a simple life. No needs or wants, just the timeless puzzles.
CrossCode would be rather fitting.
Would Enter the Matrix be cheating? I could just plug in and go and do anything at that point.
Why? Because I’ve now fooled you and don’t have to be confined to a game cartridge. Muahahahaha.
(Side note: It’s been a long time since I’ve been on reddit. I miss that community.)
Red dead 2.
Gives me open wilderness with the very streamlined ability to hunt and live off the land.
Tap for spoiler
Just got to make it past the TB and then boom, reincarnation as John and have a picture perfect family and farm.
I should replay it soon.
Factorio, because the factory must grow.
This is the only acceptable answer never ending factory and now space
Plus multiplayer among like minded is fun.
A lot of people are already living in: Leisure Suit Larry
Shenmue; purely for the vibe and nostalgia… If you know, you know.
Roller Coaster Tycoon. I want to stay on Mr. Bones Wild Ride. 💀
No more worries about UPS. If your base grows too big and UPS drops, so will your brain’s processing speed and you’ll never notice a thing.