In need of a strong people leader who is an expert in Globalscape.
On Mastodon, use hashtags fedihire and hiring, look for getfedihired hashtag to find prospective applicants.
As in you want a place to post job postings like /r/jobpostings did back on that other site ?
Sounds like it yeah. I never went to that other subsite
Yeah there is /c/jobs and jobpostings but they are pretty dead. I think they are left overseas where everyone made a mad dash to recreate those subreddits when the api thing happened then just left them to rot.
Yeah sorry I don’t have better news but hey if that’s what your interested in nothing stopping you from reaching out to the mods or admins to take it over.
Post it in the closest community for the type of work so you reach the target people that have that skillset. I think general job comms get spammy and scammy