Some stupid meme will appear in my head while I’m in public and a stupid grin will force itself into my face and obviously I don’t want people to look at me and think I’m crazy, or worse ask what I’m laughing about and the only thing that was on my mind was “born to shit, forced to wipe”.
These are two types of cartoon sounds when a character snores.
The “Inside you there are two wolves” is the name of a proverb which began being parodied towards the end of 2018 and through the beginning of 2019. In the original proverb, a grandfather says there are two wolves fighting inside him, an evil one and a good one. His grandson asks, “who will win?” The grandfather replies, “The one you feed.” In parodies, the story is often simplified to “There are two wolves inside you. One is X. The other is X. You are X.” The proverb’s actual origins are murky. It has been attributed to Christian pastor Billy Graham in 1978, as well as the Cherokee Native American tribe.
If a televangelist said something approaching smart it means they swiped it from someone else. The only thing they care about separating dumb people from money, they’re just as dumb but more evil.
Inside you are two wolves. You’re at a furry convention.