Attorney, journalist, and Elon Musk biographer Seth Abramson eviscerated both Elon Musk and his “fanboys” who have attempted to use the billionaire’s IQ as an indication of his intellectual prowess in a series of messages shared on X Thursday evening and into Friday.

    7 days ago

    You just can’t stop lying, can you?

    An ASVAB is not an IQ test, which you would know if you took one; which you would especially know if you just happened to specialize an unnamed (very very convincing) next to IQ tests!

    So you didn’t take it get into uni, huh?

    If you were ever a soldier, or even if you ever a conscript you would not refer to yourself as an officer! Your contract would state that you may refer to yourself as one without rank, as you are part of the fucking reserve!

    Aaand you found the edit button! You know your edit history is publicly available?

    But you still refused to answer me! Does your miniscular penis for lying on the internet!

    • Lorindó
      7 days ago

      You’re getting quite incoherent.

      I have edited nothing, so it matters not if the edit history is publicly available or not. If this is your attempt to discredit me, it’s pretty pathetic. You just didn’t bother to read what I had written, right?

      Our universities do not use IQ tests to select students nor have I claimed that they did. This is your own mental fabrication.

      Depending of the situation, in my country we DO refer to ourselves as “officers” or “reserve officers”. Spesific rank is used in the garrisons and drills or when an individual is interviewed by the media. In the refresher drills the reserve officer ranks are equal to career officer ranks.

      I understand that this all may be new and confusing information to you, but some things can be done very differently in different countries.

        7 days ago

        I do am getting tired of you

        You have edited your first comment 3 different times as you have edited almost all your other comments! Do you think ppl are not going to look it up if that nono you didn’t?

        You did and I hope everyone looks up your edit history

        I am suuure they do, pray tell what fabled country that might be?

        You referred to ‘my country’ how many times now? Can you maybe, just maybe your the name of your country as a synonym for once? You can change it postumus if you walk yourself into another corner!

        • Lorindó
          7 days ago

          No edits have been made and you know it.

          Just admit you made a mistake and we’ll laugh this off.

            7 days ago

            Aaaand you stop adressing it! And since I do lots of things I might not even notice it! With how many things did you get away like this?

            What is your country?