If you’ve got nothing nice to say, go the fuck away. I’m instantly blocking shitheads who want to poke fun at this for their own amusement. You lead sad little lives.
I am probably the last of the group of people that were some of the early adopters of the internet. The internet didn’t fully become public and more accessible until 1994, I didn’t start using the internet until 1996. I am nearing 30 years old on the internet by next year. People from my group, we’ve seen it all by this point.
We’ve seen the internet at it’s infancy, as it developed, the explosion of it’s usage, the dot com bubble burst, Web 1.0, Web 2.0, Flash’s death and the ongoing enshittification of the internet today as we know it.
Lol, you think 1996 is early internet?
They’re probably confusing the World Wide Web for the Internet as whole.
The usage of those terms became blurred immediately, as far as general public awareness goes.
If you use enough brain cells to be above “lol, I like that clip clicks like lolol”, then you’re labeled a nerd.
If you’re familiar with any acronyms that have to do with tech, then you’re a super nerd.
As they stated it became accessible to the average person in 1996. Prior to that you would be lucky if their was a local ISP offering access to the internet. I worked at several engineering companies in 1991 onward, and even though we had high end systems and tech back then we didn’t get Internet and email until 1996. And initially it was useless because your clients didn’t all have email yet.
Oh lol, you tried sounding smart there.
You’ve only sourced what is essentially a step of development for the internet. Do you even read?
I just can’t imagine bragging about being unique for having been middle/upper middle class in the 90s.