nginx (“engine x”) is an HTTP web server, reverse proxy, content cache, load balancer, TCP/UDP proxy server, and mail proxy server. […] [1]
I still pronounce it as “n-jinx” in my head.
- Title (website): “nginx”. Publisher: NGINX. Accessed: 2025-02-26T23:25Z. URI:
- §“nginx”. ¶1.
I’m glad there’s pronunciations provided, because to me it looks like it should sound like a slur.
TIL some people pronounced it n-jinx
I mean every time I hear about the damn thing it’s because it’s been misconfigured and is causing some fucking ruckus. The whole thing is cursed so jinx really feels appropriate where I’m standing from.
Nginx is atrocious. I about have a stroke every time I have to work with it. Caddy is 1000x easier to set up.
Wait till you find out about quay
My lead dev used to pronounce it njinx and I always needed some time to realize what he’s talking about.
En-eh hinks (with heavy Spanish accent)
Wait till you hear about SearXNG or SxncD
I like to pronounce it as nginks like fucking inks. Yes, with a ng sound in the beginning.
Like the Vietnamese name? So… “Wininks” ?
Yes, like the Vietnamese name “Nguyen”, but not like “wininks”. The best I could describe it is as a hybrid between “ninks” and “ginks”. Pronounce the first consonant with the back of your tongue while keeping the image of pronouncing an “n” sound in your head.
Oh shit my bad, I mixed Ng and Nguyen, thanks for correcting me.
Also that’s hilarious, I’m totally trying that one with the lads Monday, they’re gonna love it :D
Now you’ll tell me it’s not pronounced Hap Roxy!
I split the middle with en-JIN-iks (which is how I heard it said long before I saw it written)
similar problem with kubectl
It’s obviously kubecontrol! I will die on this hill.
Also, Containerd … Not helped by the cli nerdctl.
Hm, my guess would be either “cube control” or “cube C-T-L”.
EDIT (2025-02-28T09:02Z): Hm, actually, given that it’s for Kubernetes [1], maybe it’s “koob control” or “koob C-T-L”… [2]?
- Type: Documentation. Title: “Command line tool (kubectl)”. Publisher: Kubernetes. Published: 2024-01-01T21:15-08:00. Accessed: 2025-02-28T11:01Z. URI:
- Type: Article. Title: “How to pronounce Kubernetes so you don’t get laughed at”. Author: “Blue Matador”. Publisher: “Blue Matador, Inc.”. Published: 2020-06-03. Accessed: 2025-02-28T11:07Z. URI:
- §“So, how do you pronounce Kubernetes?”.
Kubernetes is pronounced coo-ber-net-ees […]
- §“So, how do you pronounce Kubernetes?”.
We refer to it as kew-bee-cuttle
I think software name pronunciation discussions are so hilariously absurd that I sometimes purposefully vocalise nginx as “Nuhh Ginks” just to put a hat on it
I pronounce k8s as k-eights sometimes on purpose to gauge the reactions
En Guh Inks (from back when many english speakers were still insistent that the i in Linux should be pronounced “eye”)
I’ve always pronounced it “In-jen-iks”. I blame Jurassic Park and it’s fictional biotech company InGen, but it does kinda also sound like “eugenics”. But I dunno man, if you want everyone to pronounce your software a specific way maybe spell it in a manner where the pronunciation is more obvious? Just a thought.