Hi there, first I hope I don’t offend anyone since this is not meant to be a bash on anyone and it’s just reflecting my personal feelings. But I assume I will get attacked anyways.

So I’m a 21 year old from Germany and we don’t have many people with darker skin shades here but the few I know who also grew up here are just like any other German and talk/behave the exact same way as every other German and also seem to be perceived like a normal German. Maybe some people might naturally be kinda surprised by people having darker skin since it’s more rare but I feel like people just perceive the different skin shade the same way they perceive different hair and eye color.

But from America I noticed that many people constantly call them “black” or “white” people and make a big thing about it as if they were a different race (and of course we scientifically know that there’s only one human race). And it seems like many Americans identify with that so much that they separated and developed different cultures, behavior and way of talking solely based on their skin shade even though they’re born and raised in the same country.

I know that there was slavery and segregation in America based on exactly this in the past but this is over and we’re living in 2025 now which is why I wonder if this is still appropriate and contemporary.

Because to me personally this kinda feels like America is still stuck in those slavery/segregation times and it makes me feel very uncomfortable every time I hear this “black” and “white” stuff which is becoming constant since American media is everywhere. And I feel like this is also influencing people overseas like here where especially younger people in cities adopt this American mindset and I’ve even seen some using the N-Word etc.

When I grew up I never even had a concept of “different skin colors” because it just felt normal that people naturally look different and I still think like this about people and see it the same way as people having different hair and eye color but I can tell that these racist ideologies are doing something to me.

  • Krudler@lemmy.world
    5 days ago

    Yes and I’m fucking exhausted by it to be honest.

    I work in social services, I do street outreach, housing, peer mentorship, sobriety mentorship, life coaching, youth mentorship…

    One of the biggest principles is that we must see past the apparent outward identity which is only skin deep so to speak

    And yet the moment you take everybody for who they are, without delivering or shoe horning in the identity, it is demanded that you immediately recognize them based on their outward appearances only

    It is literally people demanding that you continually evaluate people on race and culture and language and everything along those lines, while simultaneously demanding that you live virtuously and conduct yourself in a spirit of total equality

    People are fucking morons. And the more people talk about virtue, the less virtuous they are.

    I go to bus shelters every single fucking night for the last 5 years and drop off water and food and clothes, and I’ve never said a mother fucking word to anybody that I do it…

    Yet the very same people that preach in the boardrooms and the conferences and the year-end sessions, are never seen at any protests, they’re never seen volunteering, they are never seen out doing good work. They are always seen accepting award, standing in front of news cameras, proclaiming virtues on social media, and literally doing absolutely nothing to change the world in a positive way

    So yeah I’m sick to death of black and white

    I never want to hear about the color of anybody’s skin tone again for the rest of my life unless it is specifically germane and those opportunities will be one in 10 trillion