Post had nothing to do with murder or violence. It is clear who reddit serves.

    2 days ago

    You can openly call for the death penalty for people seeking an abortion, or for the extrajudicial execution of immigrants, but Satan forbid you up vote a cartoon of your favorite green hat wearing Nintendo plumber.

      1 day ago

      It’s ridiculous. Those in power are clutching their pearls really fervently right now. Its funny how they brain wash us from such a young age to believe political violence is never the answer and extremely reprehensible meanwhile they have no qualms as far as using political violence against the working class and poor or any other country that might be in the process of a worker led revolution that works against the capitalist interests of those in power. And non violence may have been working some 60-70 years ago but then those in power quickly moved to implement violence to halt that progress. And i know I can not say for certain but im rather sure that MLK jr would change his tune on political violence if he could be resurrected to see exactly what the establishment did to him for spreading ideas they disliked. I often say that if nonviolence were truly the best way to effect socio political change then those in power would not be making bombs guns hets tanks and all the other military ordinance they profit off of to arm right wing coups in south America, central asia africa and every other part lf the world that the west strips for resources at the expense of the indigenous inhabitants of that land. The cia would just have their field agents instruct these authoritarian militants to enact sit ins and marches.which they do utilize from time to Time but they still definitively use violence as their preferred and final strategy to topple regimes and install vassal regimes when needed