I’m sorry, but right-wing is more than just voting to keep traditions. It’s a restrictive, anti-rights deathcult in every way. It’s really hard to see the upsides if you squint.
How does one discuss this with their “friends” who are terminally on X, think RFK jr and Carlson have “a lot of good ideas”, and unironically calls anything regarding equality woke? I’m at a loss. And no I don’t think the solution is “stop talking to them”, that doesn’t help us.
Absolutely. I regularly defend the idea that “left and right” -and just by naming politics this way- infers that both are valid directions, that one is an alternative for the other. This lie is perniciously embedded in language itself. Very early on, I was taught that the first step to solve a riddle was to question the initial statement : does it present things in a way that enforces/biases towards a certain outlook ? I think one fundamental action we as citizens can take to help bring down that mental barrier is stop calling politics with right and left. Call them bourgeois and revolutionary. Facist and cooperative. Alien and terrestrial. Anything else
So you’re saying lemmy political threads, including this one, are actually upperclass propaganda. Have to admit that’s one angle I never thought of.
Read the post - left vs right is just upperclass propaganda - which would include even that statement unless I’m misreading it.
Well, no… the statement uses “upper class”, I think that’s the point : substitute “left and right” with class struggle notions.
Isn’t the error of this obvious based on the last three months versus the last four years?
Working class left and right likely do have way more in common than they realize, but the difference is not inconsequential for working class.
The right/conservative ideology IS the propaganda used to prevent the uprising lol.
Yeah, they’re not trying to foster left vs right, they’re trying to foster all right-wing with in-group fighting.
Already have.
The right have completely bought into capitalist propaganda and because of that political solidarity with them is near impossible. For one to be free one must liberate their body and mind, if a populous frees themselves from capitalist oppression without class consciousness they will create a new capitalist class. We must educate them when possible but violently resist them when we must, sadly their alligence to tyranny will require resistance.
I don’t need to change the mind of someone so willfully ignorant of history.
Of course you do. If every leftist converts one person to leftism…
Two headed hydra. Always has been. The sooner everyone realizes that, the sooner real change can start.
You mean right vs further right? Liberal vs Fascist? Bc those are two sides of the same coin
Socialist agitprop has nothing to do with the distraction of the “culture war”
Hard agree. Is this even a “lefty” meme?
doesn’t seem like one to me tbh
Well, it’s your comm, innit? :P
There are significant differences, that we should never brush aside.
And also, we have much more in common than most realize, and we should find a way to work together on those things.
ITT: A bunch of leftists who don’t want to work with the right to stop the rich
The right literally dont want to stop the rich. They want to stop the left from stopping the rich. People who identify as right wing can sometimes be brought out of the cancerous mindset that reinforces their oppression, but “the right” is absolutely no fucking ally to anyone seeking liberation for their community.
The right don’t want to stop the rich. They want a permission structure where they can smash queers and immigrants and womens faces into the concrete. They’re willing to pay for that permission structure with everything they have.
Yeah, lowering taxes for the rich and increasing taxes for the rich are really just two sides of the same coin! Privatisation? Nationalization? Potato potahto! Dumbest shit I’ve heard all night, and I listen to myself when I talk.
Yeah. No. I didn’t read a goddamn thing about a guillotine in your post. Sucker.
Thank you!
I think this is about the left-right parties you know right lowers taxes for the rich and the left keeps taxes exactly the same. Also known as the right and slightly less right but still solidly right.
What left party
The one that is one step left of the right party.
Imagine a line. And place 2 or more dots on it at least 80% to the right. The left dot, that one.
Being less right isn’t left
Never said it was.
Look my comments are half pessimism, half what most people and the media say the left/right spectrum is.
The idea of “middle class” is more relevant imo. There are only the rich parasites and the working class.
And the working class trying to be rich parasites. Anyone can trade shares now. Anyone with a pension is heavily invested.
“Heavily invested”. The 1% own the majority of stocks. The top 10% own 93% of the stock market.
I mean that they’re heavily invested in the system because they’ve got something to lose. As in, they don’t want the system to end even though they’re suffering because they might lose their chance to retire and their accumulated wealth.