You don’t need to apologise. I wasn’t trying to give you a hard time (sorry if it seemed like that). The remote posts I linked to in my earlier comment have now gone (maybe I was being given a cached version before - that’s a possibility I often forget about).
I deleted them from their respective accounts. Did I do it wrong?
So I don’t see this as a “playground”.
Bro listing their innocence
More like my ignorance. But yes I am learning.
You’re not wrong. I sometimes admit being wrong or sorry and some people here do not let up being mean.
You don’t need to apologise. I wasn’t trying to give you a hard time (sorry if it seemed like that). The remote posts I linked to in my earlier comment have now gone (maybe I was being given a cached version before - that’s a possibility I often forget about).
Apologies from my side too, I feel so bad and I was afraid of the backlash.
But I know what I did wrong now. Sorry again and thanks for explaining and helping. :-)