Damn Corporations
It’s not clear from the video, but that billboard is a digital screen. It rotates between ads, so it never stays on any one ad for more than 10 seconds or so. It isn’t staring at Woodside employees all day. I drove past that spot yesterday (that freeway in the video is the main artery to get around Perth), and saw three ads on that billboard in the time I was in front of it. I did not see his ad. I don’t know if it is still in the rotation, of if he just had it on for the day he was filming. Also: It’s either really neatly edited so that it’s in the background most of the time he’s in front of the billboard, or he’s digitally altering it in the video to keep it in shot.
That said: West Australians are well aware that the state government works for the mining industry. As he said in the video, it’s glaringly obvious everywhere you look in Perth. I think he may be missing something from his claims that mining doesn’t contribute to state coffers though: it obviously does in some way. WA is rolling in money, posting big surpluses even through the pandemic years where every other government was broke. I don’t know anywhere near enough on the how of that to refute anything he’s saying though. Just that Teachers are not the reason WA posts a $5 Billion surplus.
Just read an article by Jericho that shows excise on spirits (eg rum and whisky) raised twice as much as the PRRT. Beer isn’t far behind. What an absolute joke with current gas demand.
They should add labelling to all alcoholic beverages, “you are funding schools and hospitals because rich cunts own your government”
Good stuff. This should be more widely known and discussed.
Haha, yellow and black colour scheme too, that’ll go down well with Mr. Billboard Palmer.
What a legend. Love it.