• 23 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023


  • In a past role when I was short staffed and hiring people, I was often lumped with interviewing people on top of my regular duties. It is a lot of extra work. It also took longer than I expected. I was often a bit late getting back to people for all sorts of reasons. Sometimes, candidates had to reschedule. Sometimes, more urgent work came up and I had to do things other than processing the applications. Suddenly, your last interview isn’t Tuesday, but Friday instead.

    I was never more than a few days late - the best candidates usually had more than one offer to consider and I’d lose them if I didn’t get back to them. If they told you Wednesday, I’d give them until Monday before giving up.

  • My kids are 9 and 12. So you’d have been in between them in age. The idea of either of them being set adrift, alone, in a hotel is setting off all my daddy instincts.

    I am sad that this was your childhood. As he’s probably a bigger train nerd than you, I see a lot of parallels between you and my eldest.

    You’ve clearly managed to navigate the state system. So I guess we need to recognise also that something in the system is working. I worry about your support system when you turn 18. Do they just set you adrift and wish you luck in life on your birthday?

  • So, Planet Ark are trying to register an account to join aussie.zone. I would normally have rejected their application, as they are giving the vibe of ‘we want to spam’. So, I reached out to them on their contact form. I thought it possible they had a google analytics alert and noticed us discussing their products recently.

    But, that was longer ago than I realised: It feels like we talked about that a few weeks ago. So now I’m back to thinking they want to spam. Gah!

    I want answers, but I don’t want ads. I suppose I’ll wait to see if/how they respond to my website query.