When questioning your intentions as arrogant, entitled, immature vs confident, moral right, correctness. Or even questioning if the Duning Kruger effect is at play.

What process do you incorporate to back-up your self-judgement or in identifying your decisions/choices are in-fact “correct” in online discussions and/or personal life with friends/family.

How do you remove “self-doubt”?

  • Cool Beance@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Great question OP. I don’t have anything as rigid as a process for completely subtracting the bad parts of self-doubt, but I suppose if we had that all ready, this wouldn’t be a great question, would it? Heh

    Self-assurance comes from being a lifelong learner I think. Even then, being 100% sure of yourself all of the time isn’t optimal for your self-assurance’s consistency in the future. You tend to doubt yourself when you think you’re missing knowledge, right? So why not learn to fill the gap where you can?

    Post your answer/talk to people, doing your best to be authentic yet as “correct” as possible, and allow the raging comments to fill the gap for you. You can only give your best today but you might be better tomorrow. I think as long as you approach a topic with the intent to learn or to help someone learn, you’ll find that self-doubt is the first step in the process (heyoooo) in self-belief.

    Look at you, asking a question like this. Go learn something, you piece of stale white bread! I scoff at your sense of discovery! (/s if it’s not obvious)