Well, that didn’t take very long at all! As with almost everything, the cloud seems appealing, and then slowly increased in price while the service gets reduced

  • Jeena@jemmy.jeena.net
    1 year ago

    I’ve been hosting most of my stuff at my parents home on a old NUC too, but over time that NUC started failing and needed a hard reboot, so it was offline until I got hold of my dad to restart it. I then brought it home so I could reboot it quicker, but then it totally stopped booting and I had to get everything from backup and put it on a Hetzner VPS because I didn’t want to spent so much money buying a new NUC.

    But I agree that hosting from home is really nice, especially when you need a lot of space for your data like I’m doing with my PeerTube instance. Now I pay quite a lot of money to Hetzner to host everything, I think about 50 EUR per month, for that money I could get a new NUC or even something better within a year, so I’m really thinking about what to get which would use very little electricity, would be powerful enough and quiet enough to have running at home.