• Linux is great for the most basic users who only need a Facebook machine, and for the ultimate tinkerers who care about kernel versions.

    In the middle there’s the “advanced Windows user” who knows enough about computers to modify obscure settings, but not enough to debug driver issues. For those users, Linux is absolutely terrible. They try to alter the DNS server preference settings and get thrown into the world of obscure config files, systemd-versus-initV, command line editors and kernel command line arguments.

    I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: Linux needs more GUIs for managing complex settings. Windows does all the things Linux does through Powershell and registry settings, but Windows also provides a point-and-click interface for the people who don’t care about learning how to find grep cat xarg.

    As for cloud stuff, Onedrive is an unfortunate fit. Google Drive is integrated into my desktop environment. All I needed to do was log in using username/password, and all at once my mail/contacts/calendar/files appeared into the built-in apps. The same is true for some other cloud providers. It’s really just Onedrive, and I agree with you that it’s a pain.

    The biggest issue with Linux is that proprietary software doesn’t work most of the time, without annoying workarounds. There are usually alternatives or wizards available, but it takes some Googling to find those.

    I believe Zorin is trying to do build a Linux that Windows users can use. It has built-in integration with Wine and is designed to look like Windows. I don’t know if it’s a fit for you, but it’s worth looking at a few screenshots for.

    As for your wife, she’s probably right to not break her professional workflow. You can always dual-boot your PC if you want to give Linux another go.

    • Numpty@lemmy.ca
      1 year ago

      Linux needs more GUIs for managing complex settings.

      openSUSE has YaST which covers almost all complex settings… it’s not perfect, but it tries