I recently uncovered this old comic from the archives and enjoyed a nice sensible chuckle
interaction b8 and its working
You know what I didn’t even notice. Perhaps English isn’t the guys first language
“Found” can actually be used as the nominative present tense in certain English dialects, derived from the Scotts Gaelic word fundus which literally translates to I’m making this whole thing up but I like to think that for a split second I managed to trick at least one person who’s reading this
I was at least like ‘wait, that’s not rig… oh.’, so you might take solace in that.
literally translates to I’m making this whole thing up
Kinda like the Scots wiki? https://www.vice.com/en/article/wxqy8x/most-of-scottish-wikipedia-written-by-american-in-mangled-english
deleted by creator
Blend in as something people don’t even want to look at well done