You basically have to buy if you can afford it, only thing worse than paying a mortgage is paying someone else’s. I’m closing in on my mortgage in my 30s which I never expected. Going to a trade college allowed me to save down payment and never be jobless, and buying a shitty townhome during the crash in what became a highly desirable area, allowed me to move to a huge country property before the market caught up here. Odd but very fortunate set of circumstances.
Selloutt lol
So much better than renting. It’s imba.
I realised the other day I hadn’t heard that word in years, so I’m bringing it back.
No one says Imba anymore grandpa.
The cool kids say OP now.
That sounds well based, fam.
You basically have to buy if you can afford it, only thing worse than paying a mortgage is paying someone else’s. I’m closing in on my mortgage in my 30s which I never expected. Going to a trade college allowed me to save down payment and never be jobless, and buying a shitty townhome during the crash in what became a highly desirable area, allowed me to move to a huge country property before the market caught up here. Odd but very fortunate set of circumstances.