My partner and I have just binged TOS-Enterprise last year and we are starting Discovery today. I was just wondering if we can also start LD or will there still be jokes from Discovery (and the later shows) that we might miss out on? I have really bad FOMO anxiety and am worried there will be references in LD that we will miss because we havent watched any of the new shows yet.

    1 year ago

    Umm, it could be mentioned, could it not?

    From their point of view, deleted because I fail at spoiler tags

      1 year ago

      The ships existence wasn’t broadcasted or well known. Only two of her class were built and both had an extremely classified propulsion system that wasn’t talked about outside of Admiralty, Section 31, and specific Enterprise crew.


      Also Discovery wasn’t marked down as missing. She was marked down as destroyed. There’s no real reason for Lower Decks to ever mention Discovery in any fashion without it being a super reach. It’d have to be something like just adding ‘Discovery’ to a list of ships destroyed during a specific period.

        1 year ago

        That’s what I intended to get at. They could mention it, but wouldn’t know any special reason they should. And since Boims loves talking about the special ones, but wouldn’t know anything about Discovery. The way the other comment was worded I thought they were just secret in general, which I definitely don’t remember anything like that. I just got confused. I should watch them all close together at some point. Watching in real time week to week with other stuff going on (around season 4 time ahem) make me forget details.

        I don’t remember anything about the propulsion being classified. It didn’t come with that, did it? I thought they got that one thing later, after the show was in progress. Was there something special about it when it was built?

          1 year ago

          Ah okay, fair enough. My mistake if I added to the confusion.

          As for the classified stuff, i’ma stick this behind spoiler tags for OPs sake.


          The propulsion was classified during the Klingon War. USS Discovery was a secret weapon against the Klingons. Information about the ship was not made publicly available, at least on it’s propulsion. Security on the ship was heightened to the point that Section 31 served on-board as seen in the 3rd episode of the first season. Burnham also wasn’t told anything about the drive until Lorca finally clued her in, using Captains authority. Tilly slammed up the second she realized that Burnham wasn’t read in as well. It’s discussed throughout the season by the Admirals that Discovery is their ‘secret weapon’ and if the Klingons found out about the ship it would be devastating to the war effort. The whole bit with L’rell, Ash Tyler and Lorca was all just to discover information about Discovery.


          After the war, the ships spore drive was shelved until a non-human interface was found. However the red signals immediately popped up and Pike took command of the Discovery/Spore Drive to find out more about the signals. At this point, information about the ship wasn’t disseminated throughout Starfleet. The ship wasn’t classified but the propulsion was and Starfleet, presumably, didn’t see the need to spread this information further. When the ship was destroyed, Pike and Spock said that Control/Section 31 destroyed Discovery in an attempt to gain access to the spore drive and the sphere data. To ensure that this event couldn’t recur (due to time travel), everyone must never speak of Discovery, the crew, or the spore drive again. When Discovery arrived at 32nd Century Starfleet HQ, Admiral Vance said that Discovery was destroyed nearly a thousand years ago and that there was no mention of the Spore Drive, showing that the secrecy of the ships drive was so tight that not even Starfleet themselves knew about it hundreds of years later.