The gist of it: with each passing decade there’s a growing shortage of construction laborers, resulting in large wait times for housing to be built. Some analysts wonder why the key demographic isn’t showing up.

I’ve seen a few articles in the past few years about young men supposedly checking out of society and work, I wonder if there is a connection between that and this article here because young men tend to be the prime demographic for working this job.

Companies need to pay their workers better.

      1 year ago

      You’re the one talking about how hopeless trying to work in the trades is, which it isn’t. I had no experience, and knew no members before I applied. When I have come across unsafe conditions on a site I’ve always gotten it fixed.

      You said you complained about unsafe conditions, to who? The non union contractor? Or did you talk to osha? When they cut your hours did you file for under employment? Did you do anything to actually fix the conditions for the other workers? Or did you just shrug and move on?

      One of us ran into struggles, dealt with them and improved, the other cries about how it’s not even worth trying. Who’s head is in the sand?