California, the biggest state in the US when it comes to both population and the sheer volume of tech companies squeezed into its borders, has just passed the country’s most extreme right to repair bill in the US (via Ars Technica). It’s the third state to pass such a bill, but goes further than either Minnesota or New York in that it forces companies to support their products for longer. But while it will cover gaming PCs and laptops, games console manufacturers get a free pass.

There are exceptions, however, and it seems like games consoles are somehow exempt from this right to repair requirement. Guess someone’s been lobbying against the inclusion of consoles, eh? The bill itself talks specifically about an “electronic or appliance product” or just a “product”, but stipulates that doesn’t include a video game console.

“‘Video game console’ means a computing device, including its components and peripherals, that is primarily used by consumers for playing video games, such as a console machine, a handheld console device, or another device or system. ‘Video game console’ does not include a general or an all-purpose computer, which includes, but is not limited to, a desktop computer, laptop, tablet, or cell phone.”

So, that means your Xbox, PlayStation, and Switch consoles are all seemingly exempt from having to offer long term support, but at least in the computing space your PC and laptop will be covered.

    1 year ago

    Because, as time goes on, more and more devices fundamentally are not repairable. We all know someone who (… ten or twenty years ago. Jesus Christ) bought the equivalent of an ifixit kit and did cell phone repair on a dining room table. And… most of them knew almost nothing and had horrible ethics.

    A phone with a battery that discharges too rapidly or a broken audio jack? Not good, but likely not a huge issue. Something that is powered on for 18 hours a day with a big chonky power supply? We are looking at fire hazards. And a short that would take out an audio jack is a short that will take out the GPU and render the entire SOC as scrap anyway. Its similar logic to why you don’t fix a power supply. Yes, you might be able to see a part that needs to be replaced. But the stuff on the other side of the power supply is worth a lot more than a new PSU from corsair.

    Providing tools to open things up more easily: I am fine with that but I also don’t really think it is necessary considering that those tools do exist and the professionals have them. And the rest of us buy them from ifixit. I’ll reference them a few times, but I fucking hate that Apple have their own special tools that they expect people to rent from them that do what everyone else has been doing for decades.

    Serialized parts? I dislike that on principle. But I also remember how many people burned out their Nintendo Switch because they didn’t realize that the official dock more or less pissed on the USB C standard and that the charger needed to handle that for you. And when the lifespan of a video game console is generally 6-8 years+ and has gone through multiple revisions and different part sets? I am not at all convinced that the effort to indicate specifically which wifi module IC can be bought as a replacement on which specific model. Especially since people will likely buy those from AliExpress (awesome website, by the way) and have no idea how to test if that is actually what they bought.

    And, again, that assumes that whatever burned out the wifi module ONLY burned out the wifi module and there are no underlying damages that can cause future damage or become a fire hazard.

    Which gets to the idea of selling replacement SOCs. Which… is what apple has increasingly begun to do. And that is not a solution in the slightest and is mostly a way to nickle and dime people when they don’t apply the heat spreader correctly or whatever else.

    In a perfect world? This legislature would actually be based on knowledge and feasibility. That isn’t how the legal system works. So… yeah.

    So focus on the fixable devices. But don’t try to shoehorn in lip service responses that mostly serve to undermine the bill itself. Because the end result would not be that Sony and MS and Nintendo provide detailed schematics and only well intentioned techs with x-ray machines do maintenance. The result would be that Hoover solders a few capacitors in place and argues that they are also an SOC and can only ship people new vacuums. And if you want to replace the entirety of your Hoover vacuum’s internals? You better rent the special Hoover tools so that the end price is like 10 dollars less than just buying a new one.