Just wondering what people who have watched Netflix’s new One Piece series think.

They don’t have the greatest track record with anime adaptions so I’m afraid to watch it. I thought Cowboy Bebop was alright. Although they kind of butchered Vicious and Julia, imo, the people who played Spike and Jet did well enough that it was able to sustain my interest for awhile but not long enough to finish it. Death Note was barely like the original at all. The only good thing I can say was Lakeith Stanfield’s L portrayal and Willem Dafoe’s Ryuk.

But this series seems to be trending, so maybe they’ve finally done it?

  • ono@lemmy.ca
    1 year ago

    (Context: I haven’t read the manga, and have only seen a couple of the anime episodes.)

    The live action is goofy, unpolished, sometimes awkward, and in some ways looks like a low-budget college production. But it also has a kind of genuine charm that I don’t see every day. Luffy in particular was very well cast, IMHO.

    I kind of love it.