Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) is getting some heat after video footage showed her in close contact with a male companion at a Beetlejuice musical from which she was booted after allegedly vaping in front of a pregnant woman. That companion is reportedly the owner of a pro-LGBT bar that has hosted a dra…

    1 year ago

    And the most upsetting part of all this is that I cannot for the life of me decide who is more dangerous, but somehow I find the ones that the true believers less evil than these pieces of shit that are just doing it for power.

    Don’t get me wrong, fuck the true believers too, but I can at least wrap my mind around why they suck. If you truly believe in your bones that abortion is baby murder I fully understand why you would want to stop it, it’s obviously not and believing so is fundamentally stupid just to be clear.

    The Bobert’s of the world enable those people’s worst impulses because they don’t give a shit about the consequences so long as they benefit. And that’s just so much worse to me somehow, it’s the Henry Kissinger of it all

    • Flying
      1 year ago

      The true believers are misguided fools. That doesn’t make them any less contemptible, but the ones who do it for craven political reasons but don’t actually believe it are far worse.