I was wondering, with all the different Lemmy clients and frontends, what/which out of these do people actually use? To answer this, I made a poll if anyone wants to fill it out, and I tried to put every client I could find.
I was wondering, with all the different Lemmy clients and frontends, what/which out of these do people actually use? To answer this, I made a poll if anyone wants to fill it out, and I tried to put every client I could find.
I’m a bit sad that my favorite (Infinity/Eternity) isn’t that high up. Loved it since my Reddit days. Tried different clients: Lemmy, thunder, liftoff, sync,… still like this the most!
Eternity represent!!
Eternity represent!!!
Eternity represent!!!
Eternity represent!!!
Wasn’t Infinity not available until not long ago?
Yeah, Eternity (the Infinity fork for Lemmy) is comparably new.
I’ve really been enjoying it.
I used Infinity for a while on Reddit, it’s pretty cool!
I was using Boost on reddit, but their Lemmy version isn’t available yet. Read about Eternity. Thus far I have no complaints. It works.
Which one would you recommend for daily checking the top threads, mostly with a focus on text but with the occasional image/video click? And which one would you recommend for video playing in app?
I’ve loving it. Just to confirm: The last update was three weeks ago, right? I hope the dev continuous on working this.