Hey fellow Linux enthusiasts! I’ve been using Manjaro for a while now and have relied heavily on the AUR (Arch User Repository) for its extensive package collection. However, I’ve encountered a particular package that hasn’t seen updates in months, which has me exploring alternatives. Can anyone recommend an exhaustive package manager that’s as user-friendly and comprehensive as the AUR? I’d love to hear your suggestions and experiences with other package managers on Manjaro. Thanks in advance for your insights!

  • t0m5k1@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Have you checked the source git repo to see if that was updated?

    If the app you speak of is a -git type then the aur page will have an old date but the repo where the source is will be new and current.

    It could also be that the app you speak of is abandoned, try sending a msg to the maintainer.