Tired of the unreliable connectivity of Wifi when controlling critical stuff like lights, I want to move to Zigbee.
I’m going to move everything to the Hue bulbs, but I want to use something connected directly to HA for the hub. Anyone have some clear advice on a good, available USB dongle for Home Assistant, config/setup/adding Hue lights?
My plan is to stick with Hue bulbs as much as possible. More expensive, but seem to be the most solid hardware.
Each device is a repeater, right? So I should try to make every device’s potential signal overlaps multiple others?
I have half dozen Hue bulbs, and they seem rock-solid - far more stable than my Lightify bulbs.
The HA SkyConnect does seem to be a factor. For a while, my Lightify bulbs were the last thing on my old Samsung SmartThings hub (via the HA integration- basically using the ST hub as a Zigbee radio/stack), because they operated more reliably there.
Yes, every line-powered device is (probably) a repeater. Many light bulbs are, with the caveat that you must keep them powered all the time. Having a bunch of repeaters drop offline will cause fits with your mesh stability.
How are you getting your Hue bulbs into pairing mode? My new ConbeeII stick doesn’t see them. I tried connecting to them with the Bluetooth app and then doing a factory reset, no luck.