Except politics of course. We all know everyone else is wrong.

  • grabyourmotherskeys@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    I don’t disagree with you fundamentally but I do think ai will start changing things in small ways behind the scenes and it won’t be immediately obvious.

    If you are old enough, you’ll remember a time when banks had computers in the back but the tellers still used paper. The loan officer was a person who could use their discretion to approve a loan (signed off on by someone else but you get the idea). Gradually that became “gotta see what the computer says but I can probably make this work” to “it’s all up to the computer”.

    Sitting at home in 1982, you aren’t thinking that computers are running the economy but if you’re even remotely aware you know they are altering the credit landscape which is a huge determinant of “the economy”.

    I think AI will be like that. We’ll hear about overt things like the McDonald’s drive thru will be an AI but we won’t realize that half the shows we watch were written by AI to ensure we couldn’t help but be compelled to binge and also those product placements are very persuasive all of a sudden.

    We’ll find out clothing designs and change to better match factories that have production lines optimized by AI and robotic clothing production.

    Grocery store pricing and product offerings will change to produce maximum profit while also minimizing supply chain waste in ways we hadn’t considered before. Mm, this bean curd and grasshopper chip I saw on that show Netflix recommended is really pretty good and it got delivered for free just as I started the third episode which is only 18 minutes long for some reason.