Except politics of course. We all know everyone else is wrong.

  • kromem@lemmy.world
    1 year ago


    First it was people who write for a living getting really excited about writing about how the AI that can replace writers was going to end the world.

    Now it’s people who write for a living getting really excited about writing about how that thing that writes can’t actually replace writers and sucks and shouldn’t be invited to your birthday party.

    Both of which are pretty far off base from actual research papers being published on the topic.

    It gets me wondering if perhaps people who write for a living may be biased in their coverage of the technology that can replace writers.

    But whatever the reason, the one thing that’s clear is that 98% of the articles people are reading online about AI are the equivalent of paid writer hallucinations.

    • model_tar_gz@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      AI is a lot sexier than “math and programming.” AI makes headlines/clickbaits a lot better than “Probabilistic Computation Graphs”.

      I will admit that I have been enjoying the resurgence of thought experiments involving ethical computing, rules for AGI (eg Asimov’s 3 rules for robotics) and discussions of Kurzweil’s singularity.