• linearchaos@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    I just spent literally 3 days of my spare time trying to deal with scaling. I ran Linux on the desktop for 15 years. Had to switch to Mac for a while and then back to Windows for a while. Laptops with 4K screens turned out to be an interesting challenge when I finally came back. I had run gnome For most of my history with Linux.

    After a few days of fighting with scaling and trying to locate working plugins for things I wanted, I swapped over to KDE. My screen scaling and multiple display resolutions workwd perfectly out of the box and everything that I was trying to find plugins for was already there.

    It’s taken me since the early 00"s but I might have become a KDE convert.

    • Fungah@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      I love the idea of kde. I want everything and the kitchen sink thrown at me. I love all the kids applications. It looks pretty.

      My issue is the overhead. It’s slow and clunky. And it uses too much vram which is not ideal while I’m stable diffusioning.

      Also bugs. I feel like it’s so close to what I want but just can’t land it.

      • TheGrandNagus@lemmy.world
        1 year ago

        I also have this romantic notion of KDE and all the stuff I can tweak, but then I always run into issues - particularly with things not reacting in a way that I’d expect, instability, etc.

        Plus, and I know this doesn’t bother a lot of people, the lack of visual consistentcy and polish is a big gripe of mine.

        All that said, though, KDE has been on an upward trend for all of this. Plasma 4 and Plasma 5 up until like 5.15 was straight up unusable, unstable trash. 5.27 has been pretty stable and they’ve resolved a good amount of visual consistentcy issues. Plasma 6 seems to be a continuation of that.