For me it’s gotta be Click, I’ll take a magic remote over an old sled any day of the week. Plus Click is way funnier and more profound.

Edit: Ooo controversial, I’m going to start taking the upvotes to mean Click and the downvotes to mean Citizen Kane

    1 year ago

    it’s about the philosophical implications of the hypothetical technology.

    And the movie isn’t about the remote or its philosophical implications on society or a person. It is just a MacGuffin to deliver the lesson. Click is about the guy and his wishes coming true in the worst way. A common, old horror trope. Which is why I think it isnt technically scifi.

    (I know genres can be a bit subjective. But I find it fun to discuss stuff and test my assumptions.)

      1 year ago

      Heh, well, the genre of Click is not a hill I’m about to die on, but suffice it to say, I think we could find many a sci-fi (that we both agree are sci-fi) that purely hinge on the formula of: macguffin enables some quirk in reality, and the rest of the story is exploring how the main character(s) behave in response.

      Wikipedia calls it science fantasy, which I disagree with.