• nutandcross@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      Unfortunately you’re not the one who gets to decide how much control Elon exerts over your life; Elon is.

      The day will come–just like it did with Trump–when we will regret how we just let it all happen to us, how we laughed off the culture of being able to afford constant failure, do the daily mental gymnastics required to feel like your life means anything underneath the wheel. Money is the only thing that impresses anybody anymore. Aliens could land today and people would just get used to it in four days and go back to grinding for absolutely nothing, the right to rent from them. They get play with society and all the actors dependent on that social contract because they bought it. Our resources, our great labors aren’t free from them. They have us building walls and boring tunnels for none that go nowhere. They have us dying over their hunches and conspiracies. They have us sick and drinking bleach, in some cases.

      Would you believe me if I told you 20 years ago most of the people determining modern political discourse are shouting about Jews, RIGGERS, and the “woke mind virus?”. That you will see swastikas in your hometown EVERY FUCKING DAY.

      If you are reading this right now and your name is not Elon Musk, then anything you say or do today is completely irrelevant to anything that matters because he’s ingratiated himself into every social process he can, and, despite that fact his behavior grows increasingly criminal, he is emboldened at every turn by the world’s leaders who fete him.

      How long until we’re tolerating yet another ersatz Caligula, who stinks up celebrity elevators with the smell of Amber Heard’s fecal hole, pale blue and thrusting like an animate tumor of random pubes and teeth wearing a laurel, wearing Russian and Chinese medals, naming it’s unfortunate spawn after Deceptigons and Warhammer 40k figurines, holding children in place for his buddies Ghislaine, Jeffery, Putin, al-Saud, Xiping to rape them and cut their bellies. He interfered in the invasion of a peaceful country on behalf of the invaders to aid in an attack that killed innocent men women and children

      Make no mistake: if you are reading this right now you WILL be made to tolerate Trump, you WILL be made to tolerate Musk, you WILL be made to tolerate the resurgent ideologies and effigies of villains like Hitler or the Confederacy who are free to stomp you out when they so choose.

      If you are reading this, then you are currently holding hands with a miserable monkey through its cage. We are all his miserable little monkeys whether we like it or not and if you were a Ukrainian child this year then the fact there’s a non-zero chance a sociopathic cosplayer may have prevented your daring rescue by actual defenders, or abated the grisly deaths of your parents and neighbors, or ran pedophile smear campaigns against heroes in your community because it’s stealing his hegemony on being in space and time.

      Ask yourself: if he went striding past me today on the street with his little GG Allin mustache, would I even do anything about it, and be honest. Imagine a world where we could crowdfund his financial liquidation and exile/execution, where we didn’t have to tolerate this shit ALL THE TIME. We should all be so lucky to get our chance to show him how we feel about his perverted existence.

      We are all just monkeys pressing our heads against the floor, desperately holding hands cause we’re afraid to go to jail when the cage were in is far worse, I can attest, because I’m not afraid to do time over it and I know that if I ever saw that man it had the opportunity I would attack without hesitation and you should to if you care about being free from pain and misery.