Apple reduces raises given to retail employees after weak iPhone quarter::The smartphone market and general economy have slowed down post-pandemic, and Apple is reacting with a lower raise for employees in 2023 versus 2022.

    10 months ago

    Ah yes, you are correct:

    Apple chief executive Tim Cook will see his annual pay package slashed by more than 40% this year. The technology giant says Mr Cook requested the cut after criticism from shareholders.

    Apple’s compensation committee awarded him a total “target compensation” of $49m (£45.1m) for 2023.

    I personally think this is pure lip service. Someone making 100 Million a year taking a 49% pay-cut. But you are correct, he did take a pay-cut. But I would argue this does not hurt him in any way, especially not in comparison to line workers at the bottom of his company. In addition to this, there are a lot of high managers below him that also have direct influence on the course of the company, did they also take this paycut?

    Mr Cook’s pay was 1,447 times more than the wage of an average Apple employee.

    This excludes the workers at Foxconn and other manufacturing giants that work solely for apple and are compensated even worse.