At last, someone from the world of politics is being honest about a pervasive and harmful trade-off. When home prices rise faster than earnings, owners like me gain wealth, while non-owners lose because their incomes fall further behind housing costs.

Honesty is saying that home prices have to fall. But this is progress.

The Generation Squeeze folks have recommendations.

    1 year ago

    The problem is that NDP isn’t (or didn’t used to be) just another way to vote for people adjacent to the centre, but for real change. “Strategic” voting for decades has done nothing but allow everything to move further right. There was a time when NDP were actually pretty radical and the Liberals weren’t just yet another neoliberal clone but with fewer people stuck in the 1950s or earlier.

    All the parties eventually pay attention to the most vocal voters. We need to outshout the conservatives, not just take the lesser of two evils approach. The conservatives didn’t end up being such a dumpster fire by taking a lesser of two evils approach, but with a make no compromises approach. That’s how they turned the ship and that’s how we turn the ship. And voting our conscience is part of that.

    And yes, FPTP is garbage.

      1 year ago

      The problem in FPTP is that it works really, really badly when you’ve got 3 or more viable candidates in one election.

      As an activist in a FPTP system, you can either try to make a successful third party, or co-opt one of the existing ones during candidate selection. Both are very difficult, but the second approach is generally much easier, because you don’t have to deal with vote splitting.