Everything you need to know about the ‘one million march for children’ to stop the ‘indoctrination of children in public schools’

  • Nahvi@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    When you name yourself @Burn_The_Right, you make it clear whether you are targeting a specific group or everyone in a certain political direction.

    When you make statements like:

    Biden is a neo-liberal. Neo-liberals are conservatives. They are better dressed and more intelligent, but they are conservatives by all international measures.

    Or dismiss 40-year democrats as conservatives:

    Who are you calling “we”? A quick check of your comment history shows you are a conservative.

    You make it clear whether you mean a single group or everyone who doesn’t share your brand of liberalism.

    Combined with:

    Conservatism is the biggest threat to humanity on planet earth. All means to extinguish an infestation are justified.

    or this gem: Edit: fixed broken link.

    Not everyone is willing to do what’s necessary to cure the disease. I am willing. If that makes me a monster, then I am the monster they themselves created.

    Conservatism is a plague of oppression and death.

    You can pretend that you are not an intolerant bigot advocating for mass-murder, but your own words betray you.

    Reading through the constant fountain of hate that you spew in your comments makes it clear just how big of a problem Lemmy has right now. The vast majority of you comments are pushing for at least two-thirds of society to be “extinguished”.

    I have seen whole instances defederated for having a user say less violent and bigoted things than your comments do.

    Is this the centrist part, where some violence is ok?