A shutdown that would halt pay for military families and government workers comes at a particularly precarious time for many households that are already struggling financially.

With six kids under the age of 15 to support, Stephen Booth, a police officer for the Air Force in Kansas, doesn’t have room in his budget for a missed paycheck.

But like millions of other government employees across the country, Booth is bracing for his pay to stop indefinitely at the end of the month as Congress careers toward a government shutdown.

House Republicans left Thursday unable to reach a compromise within their ranks over a new budget, including funds for the Defense Department, with a handful of conservative holdouts demanding additional spending cuts. Unless Congress acts, the federal government will not be able to pay its 4 million employees after Sept. 30.

  • ZetaLightning94@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Federal employees are very underpaid for their positions and skill sets as compared to those who are employed privately. Everyone I know who works in the government are literally living paycheck to paycheck, but stay because of the job security. Federal employees arent the problem to say “fuck them” its those with bloated wallets who run the government that are the problem.