• sylver_dragon@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    If a meth lab blows up in the boonies and no one survived to hear it, did it blow up at all?

    Dark humor aside, the types of issues faced in rural and semi-rural communities are just different than the issues faced by more urbanized environments. I live in a somewhat suburbanized area in a rural county. And crime is really only something we read about in the news. I have never had a package stolen off my porch. The neighbors did grab a package to keep it from getting soaked in the rain and their kids brought it by later. No one has ever been mugged walking to the pool or park. Car jacking is something one does to their car, to put it up on blocks. And gun violence out here is much less kids shooting each other over drug turf and more grandpa getting seriously depressed and shooting himself.