This is dark fantasy/horror story, stylized as an ancient oral legend, which tells the story of a simple man’s journey and gradual descent into darkness - and ascension to power. We tried to give our villain protagonist some psychological and philosophical deep, not just “HAHAHA I am evil and will rule the world!”.

Here is the audio:

If You prefer to read:

I am an author of the text, other guy read it and recorded. We are very interested in Your feedback and discussion.

    11 months ago

    When he went to bed, he thought about how sleep was similar to death. When he woke up in the morning, he thought about how pointless it was to get out of bed ;after all, everything he had done was just a plaything in the face of what had to come. He might as well lie there and wait to die.

    It’s realistic, even if the quote appears in a story depicting a fantasy character.

    Your article really has a deep sense of “telling the old story”, the thoughts of the characters in the story reflect realistic philosophies.