Seriously? Do you know what time is?
At the time the app had just released and I didn’t know there were ads in the app. As time went on I found out there are ads in the AP. That’s what the first edit is. In fact I even told you why I asked in the edit.
Fast forward to long after all of this happened, and you come strolling in “I can’t read and don’t understand series of events so I’m going to chime in with a dumb question”
Probably the ads placed in the app to help pay for development costs of creating a free app.
No shit. Thanks Mr obvious. Lol
Why’d you ask?
Seriously? Do you know what time is?
At the time the app had just released and I didn’t know there were ads in the app. As time went on I found out there are ads in the AP. That’s what the first edit is. In fact I even told you why I asked in the edit.
Fast forward to long after all of this happened, and you come strolling in “I can’t read and don’t understand series of events so I’m going to chime in with a dumb question”
I guess I’m more so questioning your “no shit” comment then. Seems like it was shit
You guess? You don’t even know why you’re talking? Lol aren’t you just the brightest bulb in the box.
Have a good one.
The hostility is a little unnecessary.
I’m sorry, can’t help it when people are so blatantly stupid. They came in wanting to argue, that’s on them.