So, I’m more conservative leaning (European wise) but everywhere I go - the communities are usually filled with so much hate. That I just avoid it.

Is there any place that I can go where there’s not so much based on hate but more on actual discussions and such?

Though, I have been told that - European wise, it is considered more leaning to left in eyes of US. So bit confused.

Note; please keep it civil.

EDIT: Thanks for the responses (even the hateful ones lol), I got the grasp of what I asked. I’ll look into the suggestions that were made.

EDIT 2: I LOVE how some of you are saying that conservatives are so hateful and yet here you are. Doing the exact same thing. Quite cute and ironic lol! That said if it makes you feel better to spew hate on Lemmy go ahead.

I always thought that the “left side” were open minded and friendly but seems I was wrong, at least here on Lemmy. I suppose, Lemmy become Reddit 2.0. In that way.

    1 year ago

    Just gonna pretend that the rest of the thread doesn’t exist, are you?

    We’re talking about the high number of neo-nazis on Gab and their influence on Gab in general. Could someone have a conversation with a Nazi about the weather? Maybe, but the odds of the phrase “Jewish space lasers” coming up is significantly higher than in a conversation with someone who isn’t a Nazi.

    But to be clear, i did not say “conversing with Nazis makes people spread their talking points to others”. I said they would be getting talking points from Nazis. Nothing is “making” people spread Nazism.

      1 year ago

      You assumed that I’m a Nazi based on the fact that I support everyone having a right to express their opinion. (Which actual Nazis don’t, by the way, making this reasoning even more absurd.)

        1 year ago

        Now you’ve crossed from being disingenuous into outright lying.

        I did not assume you’re a Nazi, i said “you seem well acquainted with Nazism” which, based on your eagerness to defend them, is accurate.

        You have not once expressed that you “support everyone having a right to express their opinion” in this thread, nor even in this post. You’ve merely attempted to employ the Socratic method (rather clumsily) to excuse Nazism.

        When you’re done pretending you’re the victim here and you’re ready to have a genuine conversation let me know.

            1 year ago

            This is why having open conversations on social networks are difficult. People are deliberately taking an obtuse interpretation of your words, or even a total mischaracterization, and reacting to that. But not really engaging in healthy debate.

            From a principled perspective, I agree everyone should have the right to associate and speak.

            If I were to genuinely try to guess the opposing viewpoint, some people have the ideas that are too dangerous, and they shouldn’t communicate, they shouldn’t have the ability to speak. Anybody who associates with those people is enabling them.

            So the core schism here appears to be how do we deal with dangerous ideas, and is it more dangerous to censor people, or to not censor people?

            But we never get to talk about that, because the debate becomes " you’re a Nazi, or you’re supporting Nazis which is the same thing, lalala I’m not listening to Nazis".

            Of course, the people with the most extreme viewpoints, are generating the most discussion, which dominates the conversation. So you get extremists on both sides yelling past each other. And it’s just frustrating.

              1 year ago

              You know that a lot of us, probably even most of us, have literally never been compared to Nazis, right? Any guesses as to why that might be?

              Could one of the reasons be that we do not spend our time rushing to defend Nazis? Their message is pretty clear and they do a decent job of letting everyone know what it is all on their own. They don’t really seem to need anyone to help them but I’m sure they appreciate it when someone does.

              It’s interesting that, when I have encountered people who i suspect may be ‘free speech absolutists’ and have looked over their comment history, they have only ever been expressing their concerns about censorship regarding Nazis, Andrew Tate, “straight pride”, or various right wing causes. Not once have i seen a comment by a ‘free speech absolutist’ that was defending drag queen story times, pro-choice protests, ‘extinction rebellion’, or PETA. If I were to look at your comment history, what would i find?