Rep. Patrick McHenry is now the acting Speaker of the House.

    1 year ago

    Stop blaming Democrats for the inability of the Republicans to govern. They made this mess and I’m not going to sit by while some dumbass like you tries to blame everybody but them.

      1 year ago

      No, the republicans are 100% to blame here. They’re an absolute joke. But we still have a country to run, and the Democrats usually govern from a pragmatic viewpoint.

      What’s better for America?

      • keep McCarthy in the speaker seat for another 16 months and take the wind out of the sails of the maga extremists, and have a speaker who twice already has compromised with the Democrats when the clock ran down.
      • help the maga extremists remove McCarthy and then the country goes into a quagmire of no house leadership for 6 months, causing massive amounts of suffering to government employees and others who depend on the government because of the 5 month long government shutdown that ensues.

      McCarthy is a piece of shit, hell all the republicans are, but now Matt Gaetz has a taste of power. And I don’t know if you’ve heard him speak, but he seems pretty intelligent. He could end up being the “smart version of Trump” that we’ve all been fearing. As bad as McCarthy has been, I have a feeling the next speaker will be worse.

      That is not blaming the Democrats for what is happening. I’m just shocked that they aren’t doing some damage control. It’s like when King Solomon had 2 women fighting over a baby. So he offers to cut the baby in half. And one woman says “no, she can have the baby!” and he knows she’s the real mother. The Democrats are usually like her.

      At the same time, I bet McCarthy’s stress level just went from 1000 to 1. LOL

        1 year ago

        Yeah I get that sorry about the name calling I’m just burnt out with this shit and angry. I guess it gets old always watching the Republicans fuck up left and right but the Democrats have to clean it up with little to no praise.

        He literally goes on the news and trys to blame all this stuff on Democrats and then he needs them to save his job. Democrats are just supposed to bail them out of their inability to do anything correctly.

        Stuck between a rock and a hard place.

        Yeah maybe the Democrats should step in and save the Republicans one more time. Then they can go on network television and continue to blame Democrats and give them no credit for keeping the government open.

        Maybe they feel like it’s time Republicans finally deal with the consequences of their actions. Maybe some America’s will wake up and see for themselves how dysfunctional that party really is.

        However, in retrospect we will probably find out you’re right and that whatever we get after this is going to be worse than what we had. The enemy you know is better than one you don’t.

          1 year ago

          It’s really stressful, watching the two parties in a chess game over who gets to be in control, and the good guys still think they can compromise with the republicans. I think they’re finally starting to understand that the republicans never negotiate in good faith. They will change the rules to suit their needs, every single time. We have all been screaming this at the Democrats for at least 15 years now. I think they’re starting to understand. So maybe that’s a good sign. I’m honestly glad we have guys like Adam Schiff and Jamie Raskin. They’re sharp as a tack, so as long as they’re on our side I have hope that there’s a plan.

          But there’s always that worry that certain people don’t understand what’s at stake. I’m not even that worried about Trump, I doubt he has 5 more years left in him. He has poisoned the republican party, and they’re really starting to realize that the truth doesn’t matter. They can say anything and their base will believe it. And they must acquire power at all costs, or there will be no future for them. And even God is on their side. This is a powder keg that is about to erupt into violence, and countries like Russia are fanning the flames. I keep hoping it’ll improve, but it just keeps getting worse. And a lot of the people I care about believe this shit.

          And the republican extremists just killed the guy who was steering this shitty little carbon fiber submersible of ours. What could go wrong?

        1 year ago

        It’s like when King Solomon had 2 women fighting over a baby. So he offers to cut the baby in half. And one woman says “no, she can have the baby!” and he knows she’s the real mother. The Democrats are usually like her.

        I think the Democrats have finally learned that there is no wise Solomon that will reward wisdom and responsibility, so the “fake mom” always gets the baby.*

        The thing is…in a lot of ways, I agree with you. I do generally want people to take the high road whenever possible. I think short-term losses can be long-term wins, because I think moral behavior is a good thing to model in the world. Forgiveness is a wonderful thing for everyone. The GOP though…as long as I’ve been alive, haven’t been good faith participants in our democracy. There’s a danger in letting bullies get away with their behavior, if there’s no evidence they’re willing to reform.

        So I respect this as a surprisingly tough play from the Democrats. The Republicans could have initially put forth a better Speaker candidate that got bipartisan support, but instead they kowtowed to the extreme right, and the Speaker they put in reneged on a budget deal, so he got shitcanned. The moderate Republicans could still, now, reach out to the Democrats for help. But like McCarthy on Sunday, most of them are terrified of their base, and see bipartisanship as a poison pill to their reelection changes (which is true).

        *I think in this metaphor Solomon is “the voters”, and the “fake momma” is the GOP?