It really depends on where one lives. In and around high COL areas, that’s about the level of not needing roommates to rent an apartment and potentially being able to have rent in the 30% range. You know, like boomer-era recommendations for middle-class finances.
It depends on where you are. If you live in Moscow or Geneva, that cut-off is still $120k USD worth of your local currency. That threshhold neglects the COL of where you are and also neglects the forex rate.
You are very, very financially well off at $120k/yr. No sympathy.
It really depends on where one lives. In and around high COL areas, that’s about the level of not needing roommates to rent an apartment and potentially being able to have rent in the 30% range. You know, like boomer-era recommendations for middle-class finances.
It depends on where you are. If you live in Moscow or Geneva, that cut-off is still $120k USD worth of your local currency. That threshhold neglects the COL of where you are and also neglects the forex rate.
Being financially well off and being wealthy are very different things.