Specifically, do you worry that Microsoft is going to eventually do the Microsoft thing and horribly fuck it up for everyone? I’ve really grown to appreciate the language itself, but I’m wary of it getting too ingrained at work only to have the rug pulled out from under us when it’s become hard to back out.
Edit: not really “pulling the rug”, but, you know, doing the Microsoft classic.
Your own example fails because “class” is a valid variable name in c but not cpp.
I didn’t say C++ was a superset of C, I said “if I take my c code and add a cpp extension it works”. Believe me, I am painfully aware of the not-a-superset problem between C and C++. My point is Typescript doesn’t even meet the very loose “its practically a superset” relationship that C++ has with C.
and I pointed out that it doesn’t if your C code has a variable called “class”.