• 🦄🦄🦄@feddit.de
    1 year ago

    Talked to a non-vegan who thought that just because he was human he could kill othera for his taste pleasure. Weird dude all around tho. Like he had the right to kill an animal just because of species.

    Edit: ah, downvotes from people who feel called out?:)

  • blunderworld@lemmy.ca
    1 year ago

    I’m sure there will be crazier answers, but one memory comes to mind. I’m walking down a busy street late one night in Montreal. I see this preppy looking guy lliterally screaming in the face of a bouncer outside of a club, like about to burst a blood vessel. Anyway, this guy is asking dumb questions like “dont you know who my dad is?” And yelling about how he’s going to get this dad on the phone to ruin the bouncers career for not letting him into the club.

    Maybe I’m lucky, but I don’t see cartoonishly entitled behavior like that often, so it stuck out to me. To the bouncer’s credit he kept his cool and just gave the other guy a blank stare the whole interaction…total pro.

  • Little1Lost@feddit.de
    1 year ago

    roommate 1 asked 2 for help fith the dishes in the sink over an instant messanger.
    2 refused what 1 could not understand. (2 was at school at the time, what 1 did not know)
    1 was angry about this.
    2 sometime came back and because an “care taker” would show up she did angrily the dishes.
    Berause she was angry i helped her so it can be done faster, naturally we talked too.
    1 heard us and was angry because we talked behind her back.
    Later 1 even complained that 2 complained because: “i did ask her to help because i needed help. It is so mean to complain about the full sink with mostly my stuff because she refused to help.”
    Something along the lines.
    2 even tried to defend herself, that she was in fact in school, but 1 did not listen.

  • Kongar@lemmy.dbzer0.com
    1 year ago

    Ok I’ll play, I got a good one with a dose of revenge for fun.

    Me, my young daughter(4) at the time, and my pregnant wife were standing in a very long line line to buy movie tickets to the latest Disney flick (I think it was Nemo). There was only one teenage girl working, there were clearly some staffing issues going on, she was mega flustered, and the wait was truly long and unbearable. But whatever-stuff happens, not the poor girls fault. So we wait as patiently as we can.

    We are next in line. There’s like 50 people behind us. Some cow of a Karen just strolls up and cuts the entire line right in front of us. She looks back over her shoulder, smiling, and says that she cannot wait in this long line because she needs good seats. I’m kind of a jerk, and I would have enjoyed giving her a piece of my mind, but… small daughter, pregnant wife, etc. I behaved. People behind start flipping out.

    I’m thinking this entitled bitch needs a slap, and just as she turns around with her successfully purchased tickets from cutting an entire line, she whirls around flinging her excessively large designer bag over her shoulder. The strap breaks, and stuff goes EVERYWHERE. Tampons rolling around, lipstick cases under arcade machines, stuff all under people’s feet under the ropes, etc. Truly glorious.

    So now she’s horrified and has to pick everything up, and here’s the best part - nobody lifted a finger. All these people in line just ignored her, and her pathetic “excuse me”, “could you”, etc. she went from entitled Karen, queen of importance, to a cockroach scuttling around on a dirty movie theater floor, and everyone just silently looked down upon her.

    Petty? yes. I’m sure she’s still a mega bitch still. But karma was served that day.

  • explodes@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Yesterday this mf brought a whole shopping cart full of groceries to the self-checkout. Three of the checkouts were down so there were only 3 open. Not the spiciest, but like, damn.

      • NateNate60@lemmy.ml
        1 year ago

        You’re technically supposed to use a human cashier lane if you have a lot of groceries. At least in the USA, it’s pretty common for self-checkout lanes to have “15 items or fewer” signs.