How is your part of the world doing (both current and future prospects) compared to how it was 30/40 years ago? Please say where you are in the world.

    1 year ago


    My life is pretty great all things considered. But in about an hour I’m walking down to the local primary school to cast my ‘yes’ vote for the referendum.

    Info here:

    The ‘no’ vote is tipped to win.

    So, later this evening I’ll get confirmation that nothing has changed in my country. We’re still a backwards, racist society who doesn’t give a fuck about our indigenous population.

    For me, as an indigenous person who is also upper middle class and in one of the most affluent cities in the country, life is pretty good. But the same can’t be said for many others who don’t share my privilege. And my country is about to tell them, loud and clear, that they don’t care. Didn’t care 40 years ago, don’t care now.