Umm so I am kind of talking to this girl in my community that I met through some mutual friends and we’ve been texting/hanging out a bit over the last week or so. This is unimportant information except for the fact that she’s hanging out with said mutual friends and she just let me know they’re shit talking how “insane I am about politics” and the girl I’m talking to feels uncomfortable because they (the shit talkers) don’t know that we’re talking and are just apparently letting it rip on me. She wanted to let me know which I respect and don’t fault her for but also I probably could’ve done without this information.

These were people I thought were my friends. They seemed to get along with me. I also don’t even bring up overtly political shit around them a lot of the time, unless it’s right there . Outside of jokes referring to how much I’m involved and passionate, I feel like I’m one of the more tame/accepting/chill communists out there. I do post a lot online and everyone sees it. Whatever, though, how can someone not have an opinion on this shit? How do people use social media to… share Taylor Swift news? I’m just confused and it feels as if I’m in the wrong for being super passionate about the things I am. Everyone in my community is just, I don’t know.

I tried explaining to the girl I am talking to that a lot of Americans think this way and that it is inherently a privilege to be able to stick your head in the sand regarding political things because most people in the world have it forced on them due to many different factors (I didn’t get into it but obviously imperialism, poverty, religious extremism, etc.)

I really always try not to come off as patronizing or condescending, not to talk down to people who know less than me about it all. I’m literally just really passionate about it and dunk on liberals and conservatives (US terminology) online often.

It kind of hurts, not gonna lie. These people are LGBTQ+ and supposedly progressive/accepting. I guess I’m not claiming they’re not, it just rubs me the wrong way that they’d talk about me like that behind my back. It seems like it’s a big thing in my community, like I’m disliked for it or looked at as the crazy unhinged radical. The fact that they can’t understand that whining about someone talking about important things that affect real people is just peak United States-ism in my eyes.

Further contributes to my isolation because I’m not insane. Again, for the like 9th time, not gonna sit here and ‘woe is me’ over this because there’s much bigger things to worry about. But I’d like to hear some feedback because I’m honestly kind of butthurt and can’t understand why people who are 18 years old can’t use their fucking brains and not drama behind someone’s back lmao. Like at least tell me in person.

Help ? Am I in a cult or just the non-psychotic one?