On Marc Andreessen’s “techno-optimist manifesto”

It has been thirty years. The Internet isn’t just the realm of the future anymore. It is also our present and has a substantial past. It is worth examining how the past promises of those 90s techno-optimists worked out.

They promised that technology would solve our environmental problems. And there has, just recently, been some real progress in clean tech. But the trend lines are somewhere between bad and cataclysmic. We do not inhabit the future they insisted they were building. For Andreessen, in 2023, to declare that “there is no material problem – whether created by nature or by technology – that cannot be solved with more technology” is an act of willful self-deception. Just how long are we supposed to clap-and-wait while Andreessen’s investment portfolio tries to science the shit out of the climate crisis?

  • III@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    They aren’t interested in innovation, they are interested in profit. Tech billionaires are not innovators, they are immoral businessmen. Jobs stole, Musk buys and squanders, Bezos buries - each for their own benefit with no care for whether the things they destroy will help others. You are looking to the wrong people for help in any of this - they aren’t saviors they are parasites.