• Bleeping Lobster@lemmy.world
    11 months ago

    Ages ago, I read about a recipe by the ‘grandmother of Italian cooking’ for an incredibly simple pasta sauce. I can attest it makes a very tasty sauce and it’s so easy, even a cooking dunce like me can’t fuck it up (yet). And if you want to add extra spices or herbs as an experiment, that only increases the flavour.

    Her main premise was… why waste time chopping an onion into little bits? As our old pal Kevin would say, everyone is going to get to know each other in the pot! You take an onion, peel it, chop it in half, chuck it in a pan with one or two cheap tins of tomato. Add a healthy chunk of (salted) butter. Stir occasionally, she recommends 30 mins but ain’t nobody got time fo’ that. I usually do 15 or 20. Add salt to taste, remove the onion (as an aside, the onion will now be sweet and edible on its own), et voila.