Black Mirror creator unafraid of AI because it’s “boring”::Charlie Brooker doesn’t think AI is taking his job any time soon because it only produces trash
Black Mirror creator unafraid of AI because it’s “boring”::Charlie Brooker doesn’t think AI is taking his job any time soon because it only produces trash
Movie and TV executives don’t care about boring. Reality shows are boring. They just care if they make money.
AI is nowhere near the point where it can actually write a script. It doesn’t even remember what it has written to you 5 minutes ago, how is it going to keep shows and TVs consistent? Even when you tell it what you want it to do and that it’s wrong it still provides wonky information.
ChatGPT is 10 months old, not even a whole year. And it was never fined tuned for story writing in the first place. A little bit premature to proclaim what AI can and can’t do, don’t you think?
ChatGPT isn’t the entirety of AI, AI research has been going on much longer than ChatGPT has been around
Isn’t chatGPT just a beefed up predictive text engine?
Depends on the ai though. With koboldcpp you can make memories for the ai to come back with. Even text personalities (like bitchy and sassy responses) when using tavernai together with kobold.
This. You have to baby it and then if you want it to do something different you have to tell it a hundred times in a hundred different ways before it stops producing the same stuff with the same structure with slight differences. It is a nightmare.