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Experience the epic moments from the launch of Guild Wars 2: Secrets of the Obscure and get ready for what lies ahead. On November 7, the adventure gets bigger, with new stories, content, maps, and rewards coming in the expansion’s first major update. Available for free if you already own the expansion.

If you haven’t embarked on this journey yet, seize the opportunity and buy Secrets of the Obscure now. For more information, visit the official site at, or purchase today at

    11 months ago

    Well. Not much to add to that now, is there. I’d have to start nitpicking to really find anything, so I pretty much agree across the board. All I can add is my personal interest on what really happened at Anet. I wonder if the ship’s being run by scabs now or if it’s just a valiant last effort to, as you said, against 100% shareholder interest. Did MO tell NCSoft to get fucked and pissed off? Was his departure part of a deal to not completely nuke Anet or the game from orbit, more than NCSoft did with IBS anyway? Considering that MO’s hand-picked successor mysteriously vanished, his project got fucking murdered and that we now have a 25€ half-season I feel like things have gotten pretty dirty at some point. Unfair speculation: probably scabs that genuinely think they can do it better and don’t mind rule over rubble. But what do I know, my speculations are barely more than fanfic.

    Ah well, could’ve, should’ve, would’ve. RIP GW2, it delayed my departure from MMOs for ten years, heh. It’ll at least keep being a small part of my breakfast routine.

    You know what’s the most fascinating thing? How the subreddit does not care in the slightest whatsoever. The same subreddit that threw an absolute rageboner at Mount Adoption Licenses, the 50€ box price of HoT, or Build Templates. But paying 25€ for half a season of LW? Fucking people are actually thrilled. Absolutely bizarre. Guess it’s the 2023 gamer crowd, “kids these days” just never learned that games can come without a cash shop? Everyone just gave up and became a consoomer? Fuck me if I know.